Recreated by Baronessa Chiara Francesca 2013

An Tir Missile
Web site

Recreated by Baronessa Chiara Francesca 2013

Royal Archer An Tir                                        Thrown Weapons Officer                              Missile Combat

Archos Athelina Grey                                      Archos Stephen the Sinister                     Rashida bint Yusuf

Contingency Deputy

Reporting Deputies


Archery Central Archos Volk the Grey An Tir Book of Target
Archery Inlands Archos Bacchus of Ambergard Society Target Archery & Thrown Weapons manuals
Archery Summits Archos Tryggr Tyrsson Marshal Promotion Tips
Archery Tir Righ Archos Athelina Grey Archery and TW scoresheets
    Online score submittal site
TW Summits   Simple Guide to submitting scores
TW Tir Righ Archos Harold of Hartwood Current OGGS List
OGGS Constitution


Archery Scorekeeper    Archos Tymme Lytefelow
Online Score Assistant    Dame Johanna Trewpeny
TW Scores Deputy      Archos Giovanni dell'Arco
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